The state of voice assistant integrations in 2024

How to use Platypush to build your voice assistants. Featuring Google, OpenAI and Picovoice.

Fabio Manganiello
26 min readSep 5, 2024

Those who have been following my blog or used Platypush for a while probably know that I’ve put quite some efforts to get voice assistants rights over the past few years.

I built my first (very primitive) voice assistant that used DCT+Markov models back in 2008, when the concept was still pretty much a science fiction novelty.

Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Then I wrote an article in 2019 and one in 2020 on how to use several voice integrations in Platypush to create custom voice assistants.

Everyone in those pictures is now dead

Quite a few things have changed in this industry niche since I wrote my previous article. Most of the solutions that I covered back in the day, unfortunately, are gone in a way or another:

  • The assistant.snowboy integration is gone because unfortunately Snowboy is gone. For a while you could still run the Snowboy code with models that either you had previously downloaded from their website or trained yourself, but my latest experience proved to be quite unfruitful - it's been more than 4 years since the last commit on Snowboy, and it's hard to get the code to…



Fabio Manganiello

Automation, IoT, programming, machine learning, science, math, economics and more. Powered by Fabio “BlackLight” Manganiello and Sneha.